
Current Maternity Ward - Brufut

The Brufut maternity ward is a renowned healthcare facility that caters to a considerable number of expectant mothers every month. The ward is manned by a team of adept and committed healthcare professionals who are dedicated to providing top-notch care to each patient. Nevertheless, despite the ward’s reputation for excellence, there is a notable opportunity for improvement in ensuring that patients receive optimal privacy and comfort during their stay. 

At present, the maternity ward only has a single delivery room which is insufficient to accommodate the number of patients received daily. A significant concern is the lack of private delivery rooms, postnatal visit rooms, and theaters. Also, there is lack of rooms for both postnatal and antenatal patients as they utilize the same room without proper partitions. To enhance the overall quality of care and patient experience, Foundation Brufut Forward has concentrated its efforts on addressing this aspect. By doing so, the ward can continue to uphold its legacy of providing exceptional care to its patients. 

Contract Signing With Batten Construction Company

Thursday 13 June, 2024 Foundation Brufut Forward and Batten Construction Company signed a contract to Expand and Renovate the Maternity and Labour ward of Brufut Health Center.

This was a milestone achievement for Foundation Brufut Forward and its mother partner Stichting Brufut Vooruit.  The official date of the construction of the new Maternity and labour ward is 20th June, 2024.

Brick Laying Ceremony

Sunday, 24 July 2024, We held a brick-laying ceremony at Brufut Health Center.

In attendance was the representative of the Ministry of Health of the Gambia, Alkalo of Brufut Village, Chairman of the Village Development Committee (VDC), President of Brufut Diaspora Association (BDA), Imam Ratib of Brufut Village, Officer in Charge (BHC), Leaders of Couples of women Groups, several religious leaders, Councilor of Sannehmenterneg Ward (BAC) and members of the village.  

Ongoing Construction

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